Contacts in India

Our contacts in India work for the Tibetan Welfare Office, also referred to as TSO. What does this TSO do? According  to their website:

“The Tibetan Settlement Office (TSO) provides financial assistance to the poor and destitute Tibetans in the community to alleviate their sufferings and hardships. Currently, it provides subsistence allowance to 170 people. Most of these beneficiaries are infirm & elderly with no relatives or children to look after them. After a survey conducted by the ex-Tibetan soldiers committee, the list of destitute ex-Tibetan forces are forwarded to the Tibetan Settlement Office for providing necessary help to them. Because the old Tibetan Army did not have a pension program, all of these ex-Tibetan soldiers are the poorest in the Tibetan community today. These ex-Tibetan solders are mostly Tibetan Volunteer Resistance Army Group who fought with the Chinese, and the rest joined the Indian Army before 1982. The Tibetan SETTLEMENT Office provides monthly stipend to 51 destitute ex-Tibetan soldiers in Dharamsala.

There are still people who are in need of support. Your support would make a huge difference to their life by adopting an elder or by making donations for the Welfare of the elderly people. You will be provided with a case history and a photograph of your adopted elder. The yearly report of the adopted elders will be forward to the sponsors.”

Our contacts in India are:

Dorjee Tenzin

Tibetan Welfare Office employee; he takes care of receiving the money and distributing it to the elderly. In addition, he is one of those who determines who may be eligible for a stipend. He does this together with a number of others from the Welfare Office.

Thinley Jigme

Head of the Tibetan Wellfare Office.

Namgyal Dolma

A nurse who started working as a ‘caretaker’ for the elderly. She visits every weekend a number of elderly people who live at a limited distance from each other. She looks at the needs of the elderly and, if necessary, washes their clothes. To that end, she received a washing machine from the foundation.

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